Organisationsberatung für Berlinerpool

berlinerpool team is an organic collective. Always seeking interesting personalities with engaged and curious approach to the concept of mobile artists archive. Depending on the project subject and technical requirements berlinerpool invites various actors from Berlin and world to take part in development of the new ideas.

.TT Tom Timmerhoff Fundraiser Fördermittel Projektmanagement Kulturmanagement

Unternehmensberatung —Coaching —Projektentwicklung —Fundraising —Fördermittel —Kulturmanagement

Branchen und Sparten:. Kultur, Musik, Theater, Tanz, Performing Arts, Bildende Kunst, Literatur, Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft, Jugend, Politik, Bildung, Soziales, Forschung, Technologie, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, weitere ...

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